Dabur Swarna Guggulu Gold (with Gold and Kesar)
Swarna Guggulu with gold and kesar beneficial in all types of “Vatarog” sich as Arthritis, Joint pains, etc.
Ingredients of Dabur Swarna Guggulu Gold :Each 125 mg tab. Prepared/Derived from: Swarna Bhasma 2 mg, Kumkuma 3 mg, Ashvagandha 20 mg, Mahayogaraj Guggulu 100 mg.
Bhavana of Dabur Swarna Guggulu Gold :Eranda Mool and Rasna kwath.
Indications of Dabur Swarna Guggulu Gold :This is beneficial in all types of “Vatarog” sich as Arthritis, Joint pains, Paralysis, Sciatica, Physical, mental and nervous weakness. This acts as Rasayan (Rejuvenator) for male and females, due to presence of Gold and Kesar.
Dosage of Dabur Swarna Guggulu Gold :1 to 2 tablets (125 mg -250 mg) in the morning and evening with milk or as directed by the Physician.
Caution of Dabur Swarna Guggulu Gold :Light, easily digestible and nutrient food.
Avoid: Red Chillies and Fried food.
Note:For better results tak with Dabur Maha-Rasnadi Kwath and apply Dabur Mahanarayan tail.
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