Dabur Chaturmukh Ras Gold

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Dabur Chaturmukh Ras Gold

Dabur Chaturmukh Ras (with Gold)

Chaturmukh Ras for nervous debility, lack of concentration, sluggish memory and senile dementia.
Ayurvedic MedicineRasendrasar Sangraha / Vatavyadhi Chikitsa.

Indication of Dabur Chaturmukh Ras :

Neurological and behavioural disturbances such as insomniaNervous debilityLack of concentrationSluggish memorySenile dementia.Ingredients of Dabur Chaturmukh Ras (Each tablet 125mg contains) :Lauha Bhasma 29.41mgSwarna Bhasma 7.35mgAbhrak Bhasma 29.41mgKajjali 58.82mgDosage of Dabur Chaturmukh Ras : 1 to 2 Tablets to be taken in the morning and evening with ginger juice or as by directed by the Physician.

Caution of Dabur Chaturmukh Ras : To be taken under Medical Supervision only.

Dietary Advise of Dabur Chaturmukh Ras : Milk, barley, bread, rice, sahijan, garlic, rock salt.

Avoid : Oil, Red chillies, sour substances.