Dabur Vasant Malti Ras (with Gold and Pearl)
Vasant Malti Ras restores energy after chronic fever like Malaria and Typhoid. Ayurvedic Medicine Bhaishajya Ratnawali / Jwar Chikitsa Prakaran.
Ingredients:Each Tab (125 mg) contains – Svana Bhasma 6.94 mg, Mukta Bhasma 13.88 mg, Shuddha Hingula 20.82 mg, Maricha 27.77 mg, Kharpara Bhasma 55.55 mg.
Indication:Restores energy after chronic fever like Malaria and Typhoid. Vasant Malti Ras is also helpful in Respiratory problems, Oligospermia Spermatorrohea and infertility.
Dosage:1 to 2 Tablets to be taken in the morning and evening with water or as directed by the Physician.
Caution:To be taken under Medical Supervision only.
Diet:Green leafy vegetables and easy digestible food.
Avoid:Alcohol, Friked, Sour substances and Curd.
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