Phenol, Clove Oil, Camphor, Mentha Oil, Ajwain Oil.
It is a local application for toothache and other associated symptoms. In general debilitated condition and due to excessive activityof fermentative process, foul smell is emitted from the mouth. It is further enhanced due to irregular arrangement of teeth, unclean habits, gingivitis and decomposition of food particles, in the interdental space. This formulation is intended for relieving pain, swelling of gums by its local antiseptic and counter - irritant action.
Directions To Use:
After gargling with warm water, the medicine to be applied in the gums with a cotton swab soaked with the medicine on the affected region of the gum. The painful inter dental space may be plugged with this medicine to obtain quick relief.
Caution: Care should be taken not to apply the medicine inadvertently anywhere in the lips or in the healthy tissues as the drug is strong enough to erode the mucous membrane.
Packing: 5 ml.
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