Dabur Clove Oil is an ayurvedic medicine for dental and oral pain associated with toothache, dental cavity and tooth abscess. Dabur Clove Oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and analgesic properties that provide immediate relief in tooth pain. Dabur Clove Oil helps in providing warmth and numbness in pain during a toothache episode.
Dabur Clove Oil Benefits: * Provides immediate relief in tooth pain * Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties * Helps in numbing pain in toothache and provides warmth
Dabur Clove Oil Indications: Toothache Tooth Decay Tooth Abscess Dental Cavities
Dabur Clove Oil Usage: Soak small cotton ball in Dabur Clove Oil and keep over affected area of toothache. In case of tooth cavity, put 1-4 drops of Dabur Clove Oil over decayed tooth or as directed by a physician or your medical practitioner.
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