From love to marriage, marriage to copulation, through copulation its intercourse & after it there is fertilization. All these process is to generate an offspring who leads our hierarchy. In fertilization male sex hormone, sperm & female sex hormone, egg combines with each other to form an offspring which grows to form a baby. All is to say that sperm & egg is important to generate an offspring. Sperm is present in semen which is ejected in female body through her vagina during sex. Sperm present in semen fertilize egg. But what happens if sperm dont even reach female vagina??? What happen if male is not fails to eject semen in female body?? Answer of these questions is that fertilization process will stop. Our hierarchy will stop. Generation of family will not form. Reason of these problems is premature ejaculation. The problem may seriously affect the mans self-esteem, resulting in anxiety, embarrassment, disappointment and sometimes even depression.
A great miracle results of premature ejaculation cream for men
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