Distilled Cow Urine-Go Ark-Gomutra Arka is matchless vedic gift for maintaining holistic health & cure various diseases & multiple disorders.Cow products has the property to balance three Doshas or disorders in the body like Vaat,Pitta,Kapha(mucous,bile,air).Some of the various benifits of taking Go Ark are as follows: • Lowers cholesterol levels & reduces body fat. • Boosts the immune system & enhances the body vigar. • Function as an anti-oxidant & delays ageing process. • Serve as Detoxifier especially the toxicity caused by modern drugs. • Effective in gout, arthritis, oedema & swelling of body Pparts • Cure respiratory disorders. • Regenerate the damaged cells & tissues. • Best & efficient anti bacterial agent. Dosage: Take the mixture of 10ml(2 teaspoonfuls),10gm honey & 25ml water everyday on morning(empty stomach) and in night before going to sleep Go Ark Sanjivani(Cow Urine) Panchamrut is manufactured by Shri Rawatpura Sarkaar
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