SBL Homeopathy Tonsilat Tablets
First-Line Treatment for Tonsillits
Tonsilat is a product of SBL's Research and development and is a combination of well proven drugs of Homeopathy therapeutics which treats tonsillitis, sore throat and pharyngitis. Tonsils play a significant role in maintaining the body's immune system. They are ideally situated to scrutinize ingested material and to react to those which pose a threat to the body. In addition the tonsils produce antibodies which deal with infections locally. Therefore removal of enlarged or septic tonsils (tonsillectomy) should not be taken lightly.
Lack of proper assimilation of nutrients is a major cause of anaemia. Anaemia is a major health concern in all age groups. During pregnancy and lactation, the requirement of nutrient increases manifold. Women are recommended to take iron and mineral supplements to keep herself and her baby healthy. Fe-min improves the absorption process by directly enhancing the nutrient-binding capacity of the cells, thereby relieving the signs and symptoms of anaemia.
Indications for use of SBL Tonsilat Tablets
Tonsilllitis, sore throat, pharyngitis.
Advantages of SBL Tonsilat Tablets
Prevents repeated attacks of sore throat.Eliminates possiblity of tonsillectomy.
Action of Individual Components
Mercurius Biniodatus - Tonsils, uvula and pharynx red and congested. Tonsils slightly swollen. Stiffness of muscles of throat and neck.
Belladonna - Tonsils inflamed and enlarged. Throat feels constricted, difficult deglutition. Spasms and dryness of throat.
Kali Muriaticum - Follicular tonsillitis. Chronic, catarrhal conditions of the middle ear. Eustachian catarrh. Glands around the ear swollen.
Ferrum Phosphoricum - On waking, throat feels swollen and stiff. Swallowing painful. Feeling of lump on swallowing. Inflammation of palate, tonsils and pharynx, with dryness, redness and pain. Increases haemoglobin. Baryta Carbonica - Sore throat. Enlarged tonsils. Glands around ear painful and swollen. Suppurating tonsils.
Dosage of Tonsilat Tablets
One tablet every three hours or as directed by the physician.
Composition of SBL Tonsilat Tablets
Mercurius Biniodatus - 6xBelladonna - 6xKali Muriaticum - 6xFerrum Phosphoricum - 6xBaryta Carbonica - 12x
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