27/09/2015 16:20:00
Earache (otalgia) is very common medical problem for both children and adults.
- The pain earache results from inflammation and swelling of the structures that make up the ear, including the external auditory canal, the tympanic membrane, and the middle ear.
- Otitis externa is a skin infection of the outer ear canal. It is the area where wax forms and infection occurs after swimming (commonly referred to a swimmer's ear).
- Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear and eardrum commonly seen in infants and younger children. Otitis media also may affect older children and adults.
- Pain in the ear can be accompanied with fever, vomiting, increased irritability or crying, ear pulling. Eating less than usual and refusing favorite meals, difficulty in sleeping, especiallly on sides, resting the ear, reduced play or visible reduction in the activity level of the child.
- SBL's Mullein Ear drops is a clinically proven formula containing well balanced homoeopathic medicine which helps in relieving the painful syptoms that originate in the ear.
Indications :
Pain in ear due to inflammation of middle ear (otitis media)Painful eruptions of external earFungal infectionItching and irritation of the earDry scaling of inner ear with a sense of obstructionSwimmer's ear
Composition :
Mullein flowerGlycerineacidum benzoicumacidum boracicumacidum carbolicumchloroformiumContre-Indications :No known contra-indicationsDose :Instill 4 drops into the ear 4 times a day.Or, as prescribed by the physician.
Packing :
Bottle of 10ml