SBL Homeopathy Glowing Beauty Fairness Cream

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SBL Homeopathy Glowing Beauty Fairness Cream

SBL Homeopathy Glowing Beauty Fairness Cream

Unique Formula with Herbal Ingredients for Smooth & Glowing Skin SBL's Glowing Beauty Fairness Cream, a unique herbal formulation lightens and evens skin tone, reduces blemishes and dark spots, nourishes and moisturizers skin.

How to use SBL Glowing Beauty Fairness Cream :Wash face and apply the cream evenly on skin with fingertips in circular motion or as directed by the physician.

Composition of SBL Glowing Beauty Fairness Cream :Berberis (Root/Rhizome) - 0.20%,Calendula (Flower) - 0.20%Thuja (Leaves) - 0.20%Aloevera (Leaves Pulp) - 0.20%Chandan (Heart wood)- 0.20%