Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state of uneasiness and distress, or feeling of impending doom, although there is no obvious threat. It is characterized by apprehension and worry. Some anxiety is normal; it becomes a problem when it interferes with normal activities. According to Ayurveda, anxiety is a classic sign of imbalance in the body. Prolonged anxiety, stress, and tension affects the nervous system, and can cause many further complications if left uncorrected.
Ayurveda, the "Science of Life," provides a clear, concise, cohesive regimen to help people correct conditions such as anxiety in a natural way. Yet it is much more than just very effective holistic treatments. It provides a complete system of preventive medicine and health care which has proven its effectiveness over thousands of years in India.
Root Causes:
Negative thinking
General Weakness
Prolonged Malnutrition's
Family/Personal Problem
Menstrual Disorder for Female
Typical symptoms of anxiety are shown below:
Inability to relax
Heart palpitations
Feelings of tightness in chest
Belching, nausea, occasional diarrhea
Emotional instability
Tendency to be irritable without an obvious cause
Tendency to be cry without an obvious reason
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