A very common disturbance within the digestive tract, it restricts regular bowel movement. Since improper stool produces toxins (ama) which find their way into the blood stream and are then carried to all parts of the body, in chronic cases this problem can give way to serious diseases as rheumatism, arthritis, piles, high blood pressure and even cancer.
Infrequency, irregularity or difficulty in eliminating hard faucal matterCoated tongueFoul breathLoss of appetiteHeadachesDizzinessDark circles under the eyeDepressionNauseaPimplesMouth ulcersDiarrhoea alternating with constipationVaricose veinsPain in the lumbar regionAcidityHeart burnInsomnia
Root Causes:
Improper diet & irregular eating habitsInsufficient intake of water and high fibre food.Excessive intake of animal proteinIrritable colonSpastic colitisEmotional disturbancesLack of physical activityParalytic or mechanical obstruction to the passage of stools.
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