The conjunctiva is a mucous membrane, which extends from the undersurface of the lids & stretching upto the anterior part of the eyeball, an infection or inflammation to Conjunctiva is known as conjunctivitis.
If the 3 bodily humors like Vata, Pitta & Kapha get vitiated by causative factors, they affect the covering thin layer of the eyes & there by causing “Abhishyanda” a painful condition of the eyes.
Root Causes:
1) Infective Conjunctivitis – This is due to an infection of the conjunctiva by microbial agents like bacteria, viruses’ etc.
2) Allergic Conjunctivitis – This is due to hypersensitive reaction of the conjunctiva by non specific agents like dust, smoke, pollens etc.
Clinical Features:
Discomfort & foreign body sensation in the eyes
Redness of the eyes
Photophobia i.e. difficulty to tolerate light
Sticking together of the lid margins due to profuse discharge.
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