Colitis refers to inflammation of the colon .The diseases results from prolonged irritation and inflammation of the delicate membrane, which lines the walls of the colon. Chronic ulcerative colitis is a severe prolonged inflammation of the colon or large bowel, in which ulcers from on the walls of the colon.
Colitis usually begins in the lower part of the colon and spreads upwards. The first symptom of the trouble is an increased urgency to move the bowel, followed by cramping pains in the abdomen and sometimes, bloody mucous in the stool. As the disease spreads upward the stool become watery and more frequent and are followed by rectal straining. The patient is usually malnourished and may be severely underweight.
Root cause:
One of the causes of the colitis is chronic constipation and the use of purgative. Constipation causes an accumulation of the hard faecal matter, which is never properly evacuated. Purgatives used as a cure only increase irritation. Often colitis results from poorly digested roughage, especially of cereals and carbohydrates, which causes bowel irritation. Other causes of the disease are an allergic sensitivity to certain foods, intake of antibiotic and severe stress.
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