Gonorrhoea is an inflammatory disease affecting specially the mucous membrane of the urethra in the male and that of the vagina in the female, but spreading to other parts of the body too.
Causes & symptoms:
It is directly contagious usually by sexual intercourse. However, it can occasionally be conveyed by discharge on towels or clothing as well.
In men, the disease manifests itself in the form of irritation of the urethra, scalding pain on passing urine and a viscid yellowish-white discharge. The lymph glands in the groin often become enlarged and many suppurate. The urine contains yellow threads of pus visible to the naked eye. When the disease continues for some time, inflammation in the neighbouring organs may appear - the testicles, prostate gland and the bladder being affected. At a still later stage, the inflammation of the urethra is apt to lead to formation of fibrous tissue around it , leading to its narrowing and great difficulty in passing urine. The infection may spread to the various joints of the body, making them stiff. Occasionally, general septicemia with inflammation of the heart valves and abscesses in various parts of the body may also set in. It may also cause a severe form of conjunctivitis and in newly-born children, it may lead to total blindness. This condition is called ophthalmia neonatorum.
In females, the course and complications of the disease are somewhat different. It begins with a yellow vaginal discharge, pain on passing urine and very often, inflammation of the glands situated close to the valva - the mouth of the vagina. The most serious problem is that the inflammation may spread to the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries, causing permanent damage. Occasionally, it may lead to peritonitis, that is, inflammation of the enveloping membrance of the abdomen, with fatal results. Many cases of continued ill health, sterility and recurring miscarriages are due to these changes.
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