Immunity Disorders

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Immunity Disorders

Immunity Disorders

Most modern diseases are caused by prolonged exposure to a combination of faulty lifestyle, food habits and toxic environmental factors. Chronic stress has a vital role in immune disorders.

There are two types of immunity which protects our body from any infection. These are Innate and Adaptive. Innate immunity - this type of immunity is present at birth and provides the first barrier against microorganisms which causes infections. Adaptive Immunity - it is the second barrier to infections and acquired later in life as - immunity after an immunization.

The higher mortality rate is observed due to AIDS, it is the best example of immune disorders.
In Ayurveda it is known as Byadhikshamata "OJA", and described two types as Par and Apar Oja.

Symptoms of Lack of Immunity

Recurrent infections

Lack of energy without any pathology

Easily trapped by diseases

Less power to fight against diseases

Easily tiered and over stressed

Root Causes:



Faulty life style and food habbits


StressMetabolic disorders