Ischaemic Heart Disease

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Ischaemic Heart Disease

Take powder of Arjun tree bark (5-10 gm), milk (1 cup) and water (3 cups). Add all three ingredients and bring to a boil. Cook in low flame until volume reduces to one cup. This should be filtered and taken empty stomach in the morning. It is called Arjuna Kheer Pak.

Take 3 parts ground turmeric, 6 parts ground cumin, 6 parts ground coriander, 6 parts ground fennel, 2 parts ground fenugreek, 1 part dried powdered ginger and 1 part ground black pepper. Combine the spices and store in a sealed container. When preparing your meal, sauté a teaspoon of spices in a small amount of ghee or olive oil. Combine this tasty and healthy spice mix with vegetables.

Take half tablespoon of Trikatu powder with honey, daily. Helps to reduce cholesterol and prevents heart disease.