Take approximately one-fourth cup of beetroot juice three times a day.
Boil one teaspoon of carrot seeds in one cup of milk for 10 minutes. Drink it once daily.
Take one teaspoon Indian Aloe vera pulp (Aloe barbadensis) with black salt and dry ginger powder every morning for a period of ten days.
Soak five almonds overnight. In the morning, peel off the skin and grind them to a fine paste. Grind 3 black peppers, 2 pieces of cardamom and one teaspoonful of anise seeds and mix them with almond paste. Add this paste to 250 ml of boiled milk. Add one teaspoonful of honey and drink it when it is lukewarm.
Take one tablespoonful of licorice powder and add two cups of water to it. Boil it on medium fire and evaporate the water till it remains one cup. Take soyabean powder with this drink. This can be taken twice daily.
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