Treating Prostate without Surgery
Homeopathic treatment of Enlarged Prostate Prostate_Cancer Most men, till they reach middle age or suffer from any problem related to the prostate gland, know very little about it. But why is it so that one must know about it? Well, the answer lies in the statistics related to the prostate gland. More than 50 per cent men in their sixties and as many as 90 per cent in their seventies eighties have symptoms of enlarged prostate. Cancer of the prostate is the most common condition in men over 65 years.
Homoeopathy treatements can help in the treatment of enlarged prostate
In conventional medicine, surgery is often recommended and can be effective. However, surgical treatment at times can result in incontinence and sexual dysfunction and other age-related complications. For these reasons, homeopathic practitioners attempt to avoid such surgery whenever possible. The correct homoeopathic remedy can reverse the symptoms of prostate enlargement, restoring the state of health without the need for surgical intervention. But please make sure that medicines are used with professional help only.
What is the prostate and where is it located?
This small walnut size gland (prostate) forms a part of the male reproductive system. It is located in front of the rectum and just below the bladder, where urine is stored. The prostate also surrounds the urethra, the canal through which urine passes out of the body. Scientists do not know all the functions of the prostate. One of its main roles, though, is to squeeze fluid into the urethra as sperm move through during sexual climax. This fluid, which helps make up semen, energizes the sperm and makes the vaginal canal less acidic.
What causes the prostate to enlarge?
Throughout their lives, men produce testosterone, an important male hormone, and small amounts of estrogen, a female hormone. As men age, the amount of active testosterone in the blood decreases, leaving a higher proportion of estrogen. Elevated levels of estrogen in blood causes this enlargement which is often referred to as benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH).
What to do if you are having symptoms?
Well, the first step should be to visit your general physician/ urologist/surgeon. A digital rectal examination is usually the first test done. The doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum and feels the part of the prostate that sits next to it. This examination gives the doctor a general idea of the size and condition of the prostate. An ultrasound would be necessary to validate its size. The doctor may also want to test a sample of your blood to look for prostate-specific antigen, or PSA. If your PSA is high, it may be a sign that you have prostate cancer. But this test isn?t perfect. Many men with high PSA scores don?t have prostate cancer.
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