Unani system of medicine- the next wave
In today’s day and age, there are over 40 undergraduate and postgraduate colleges teaching Unani medicine in India. Postgraduate courses in Unani offer MD degrees in Ilmul Advia (pharmacology), Moalijat (medicine), Kulliyat (basic principles), Jarahat (surgery), Amraz-e- Niswan (gynaecology), Tahaffuzi wa samaji tibb (preventive and social medicine) and Amraz-e-Atfal (paediatrics)
There are over 250 Unani hospitals (With bed strength of 4562 beds), 1,200 Unani Dispensaries and 52,000 practicing Hakims spread across 18 states in India with more than 400 Unani pharmacies. Unani forms an integral part of the National Healthcare Delivery system and is recognised by the WHO. It is inexpensive, therapeutically effective, largely free from side effects and easily available.
The IMCC Act of 1970 has been implemented in India for Regulating Education and Practice in the Unani system of medicine. Unani healing is vibrant and vigorously alive today. It is being practiced, taught and researched under its local names in over 20 countries like China, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Finland, UK, USA etc.
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