Schwabe Alfalfa Tonic - General

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Schwabe Alfalfa Tonic - General

German quality health tonic to promote physical and mental activities

• Eliminates fatigue, exhaustion and improves appetite

• Effectively takes care of physical and mental debility in children and adults

• Relieves nervous tension, stress and irritability

• Supports regenerative process during and after sickness Improves vigour and vitality.

Packing Size :

100 ml  and 500 ml  bottles.

Dosage :

Adults one tablespoon, children one teaspoon, one hour before meals, three times a day.  If complaints are not relieved, consult a  specialist.

Advantages :

Improved processing technology helps retain the natural ingredients of the herbs at its optimum levels. It is a non-toxic preparation and can be safely taken by different age groups. It has a corrective action on various body functions and can be used freely as general tonic.