The immune stimulant
• A proven and well established drug for centuries
• Boosts the body's immune system by stimulating the activity of macrophages
• Known for symptoms of blood poisoning, lymphatic inflammations, host of infective illnesses due to weak immune system
• Stimulates natural killer cells, hence claimed to be of value in anticancer therapy (chemotherapy or radiation therapy)
• Useful in cold and flu.
Packing : Bottle of 20g.
Dosage : Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets twice daily. Children should be given one tablet twice daily and when symptoms improve 1 tablet a day. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
Side effects : No side effects of Echinacea angustifolia 1X are known, but avoid during initial phases of pregnancy.
Contraindications : It is not recommended for patients suffering from auto-immune diseases.
Interactions : No interactions between Echinacea angustifolia 1X and other products are known
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