Effectively controls common cold and associated symptoms
• Controls complaints due to exposure to cold weather, or change of weather
• Relieves fever with restlessness and shivering
• Effectively controls headache with heaviness of eyelids, muscular pain and stiffness of neck
• Relieves associated dry cough, sneezing and hoarseness.
Packing : Bottle of 20gm.
Dosage : Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, at the beginning of the complaints, take 1 to 2 tablets hourly, and once the acute complaints start to subside, take 1-2 tablets thrice daily. Children are to receive 1 tablet every two hours in the acute stage, then 1 tablet thrice daily. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
Side effects : No side effects of Aconite Pentarkan ® [WSI] are known.
Contra-indication : No contra-indications for the use of Aconite Pentarkan ® [WSI] are known.
Interactions : No interactions between Aconite Pentarkan ® [WSI] and other products are known.
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