For prompt relief and effective relief from acute & chronic tonsillitis
• Provides prompt relief from inflammation of the tonsils
• It also takes care of pulsating pain and reduces swelling
• Relieves shooting pain in the throat and difficulty in swallowing
• Lowers offensive discharge from mouth• Relieves stiffness of muscles of throat
• Stimulates healing process.
Packing : 40 tablets in blister pack of 4x10.
Dosage : Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, 1-2 tablets every hour in acute conditions. As the symptoms improve, 1-2 tablets every 3 hourly. If symptoms do not improve, see your physician.
Side effects : No side effects of Alpha - Tons are known.
Contra-indication : No contra-indications for the use of Alpha - Tons are known.
Interactions : No interactions between Alpha - Tons and other products are known.
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