A sugar free tonic specially formulated for diabetics
• Favourably influences nutrition
• Lowers nervous exhaustion
• Relieves tension and stress
• Helps overcome cramps and neuralgias
• Stimulates physical and mental activity
• Eliminates fatigue
• Useful in cases of frequent urination and weakness.
Packing : 100 ml and 500ml bottles.
Dosage : Adults one tablespoon, children one teaspoon, one hour before meals, three times a day. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
Side effects: No side effects of Dr. Willmar Schwabe’s Alfalfa Tonic® are known.
Advantages: Improved processing technology helps retain the natural ingredients of the herbs at its optimum levels. It is a non-toxic preparation and can be safely taken by different age groups. It has a corrective action on various body functions and can be used freely as general tonic.
Contra-indications : No contra-indications for the use of Dr. Willmar Schwabe’s Alfalfa Tonic® are known.Interactions: No interactions between Dr. Willmar Schwabe’s Alfalfa Tonic® and other products are known
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