Government of India has made provision for setting up of AYUSH Gram under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM), wherein one village per block is selected for adoption of method and practice of AYUSH way of life and interventions of health care. In AYUSH village AYUSH based lifestyles are promoted through behavioural change communication, training of village health workers towards identification and use of local medicinal herbs and provision of AYUSH health services. The Grant-in aid of Rs.215.15 Lakhs has been provided to the State/UT Governments during 2014-15 for setting up of AYUSH Gram under National AYUSH Mission (NAM).
The Government of India has approved and notified National AYUSH Mission (NAM) on 29.09.2014 which envisages better access to AYUSH services, strengthening of AYUSH educational institutions, facilitate the enforcement of quality control of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani & Homoeopathy (ASU &H) drugs and sustainable availability of ASU & H raw-materials in the States/UTs during 12th Plan.
The National AYUSH Mission (NAM) makes provision for the following:-
(i) Co-location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health Centers (PHCs), Community Health Centers (CHCs) and District Hospitals (DHs).
(ii) Up gradation of exclusive State Government AYUSH Hospitals and Dispensaries.
(iii) Setting up of up to 50 bedded integrated AYUSH Hospital.
(iv) Upgradation of State Government Educational Institutions.
(v) Setting up of new State Government AYUSH Educational Institutions in the State where it is not available.
(vi) Strengthening of State Government/ Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy (ASU&H) Pharmacies and Drug Testing Laboratories (DTL).
(vii) Cultivation and Promotion of Medicinal Plants.
(viii) Under the flexible components of the scheme of NAM, provision has been made for following activities:
a) AYUSH Wellness Centres including Yoga & Naturopathy
b) Tele-medicine
c) Sports Medicine through AYUSH
d) Innovations in AYUSH including Public Private Partnership
e) Interest subsidy component for Private AYUSH educational Institutions
f) Reimbursement of Testing charges
g) IEC activities
h) Research & Development in areas related to Medicinal Plants
i) Voluntary certification scheme: Project based.
j) Market Promotion, Market intelligence & buy back interventions
k) Crop Insurance for Medicinal Plants
This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of AYUSH, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik in a written reply to an unstarred question in the Lok Sabha today.
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