Taking the breath away… literally!
Asthma makes breathing difficult for more than 300 million people worldwide according to the WHO. It affects people living in the developing as well as developed countries and affects all age groups. It is the most common chronic disease in children and even with all the advances in treatment, the prevalence has only risen in the past few years.
Asthma is primarily a chronic disease (a respiratory allergy) that presents as recurrent attacks of breathlessness and wheezing. There is a vast variation in the frequency and severity of symptoms of asthma from person to person. This is where the individualized treatment with Homeopathy can give significant relief to patients of asthma and help them lead an easy life.
At AYUSHSAMADHAAN, we have the experience of successfully treating patients with asthma (breathlessness, respiratory allergy, wheeze) for more than 35 years. Our individualized asthma treatment has helped more than 12,000 patients overcome their disability and lead a normal life. Welcome to gentle, safe and effective treatment of asthma with Homeopathy!
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